Blog posts
Computer modeling and naturalism in paleontology
How do you pronounce "Parasaurolophus"?
Is it "para-SORROW-low-fuss" or "para-SOAR-ollo-fuss"?
Is extinction a relation rather than a property?
Testing a phylogenetic hypothesis about "Star Wars" aliens
The Chidi-Ross Spectrum: role models in philosophy and paleontology
How pop culture represents philosophers better than paleontologists
Stop the clocks (and the other geological timescale metaphors, too)
Why it's so difficult to imagine geological time: we have only ourselves to blame
The woulda, shoulda, and coulda of fossil hunting
How should museums organize their fossils?
Comparing database norms in paleontology and archaeology
A thought experiment about extinction
Some questions about dinosaur feet
Why fossil tracks are important for understanding dinosaur ancestry
Indiana Jones and the Griffin's Egg
The ethics and metaethics of repatriating fossils
Socrates calls customer service to complain about dinosaur toys
How paleontology made America great again
Believe me: America's fossils are huge
How philosophical argument is like paleoart
You call that a Velociraptor? A philosophical review of Jurassic Park
What one learns after reading the novel for the nineteenth time
The paleontological individual
Learn how to count like a paleontologist
Humps and lumps: thoughts from Loch Ness during my summer vacation
Where cryptozoology enters the debate between conservatism and liberalism
What, if anything, is a Tyrannosaurus rex?
Why you don't really know any dinosaur names
How to follow a fossil trackway to a mythological creature
When is a thylacine not a thylacine? Maybe when it's the last one
Wherein a wrong number can dial us into the nature of paleontology
Hey, Dimetrodon: what's that thing on your back?
Tryin' to throw your arms around the world
An ode to the author's first love on its 100th birthday
Scientia Salon
Brontosaurus and the nature of philosophy
Why a paleontology paper should be recognized as a great work of philosophy
Rationally Speaking
On the evil of George R.R. Martin
Lessons in theology from Fantasy's most bloodthirsty author
Where Jurassic Park goes conceptually wrong
Confessions of a modal realist (Part 1; Part 2)
The author's attempt to make an unpopular philosophical view seem reasonable
How to distinguish philosophical and empirical issues in biology
Universities are people, my friend
The telos of higher education, as revealed by controversy at the author's alma mater
Superman rises some more (and why that's bad)
Musings on omnipotence and moral responsibility
An explanation of why Superman is a better role model than Batman
Enjoying natural selection on multiple levels
Insight into a feud between Richard Dawkins and E.O. Wilson
Time travel, dinosaur clones, and free will
Summary of the sort of conversation one can expect on a date with the author
Do plants have feelings? (No)
Some thoughts on recent Creationist nonsense
What the classification of birds can tell us about love